Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lost seed group!

Hi Guys,

Where were you this week? I came to class and no one was there! I've been told Mr Paini is in China with some students, are any of you with him?

Please note we will have seed group the first week back in Term 4 (Thursday the 14th of October) so make sure you all make it! And remember to bring your friends!

We really want to get the next event organised as soon as possible!

Check the blog page regularly
It's important that you check the Blog page regularly as its the primary way I'll be contacting you outside of class.

So make sure you all book back this address

UN Millennium Development Goals Review Summit 2010
We've talked a lot about the UN Millennium development goals this year. Right now there is a meeting under way in New York to discuss the progress in achieving these goals. The deadline to achieve the goals is 2015, so there is quite a bit of pressure to make some serious headway.

Above are the 8 development goals.

Right now Oaktree has a delegation in New York and are making regular webcasts. To follow them watch the video bellow.

UN MDG Summit - Update #1 from Lewis Best on Vimeo.

To learn more about the summit visit the UN's website here. -

Useful Links
The UN MDG Review Summit Website -> -
The Latest from Oaktree ->
Wikipedia ->

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